My latest drawing.

Lately I have been losing myself more and more into drawing. I put a lot of thought into them and I often create lives and stories about them. Yesterday It was snowing, so I took advantage of the weather and picked up a pen, and found an old sheet of paper. I turned up the music and I lost myself. This is where my imagination took me.










and here is a short video i made during the process:



thank you all for looking!

-Danny Atomic Goofball

My custom nintendo wallet

I have had the same wallet for many years (maybe about 10 or more). I really loved my wallet and didn’t have a need to get a fancy wallet or even a new one.I just really like my nintendo wallet! I think it matches my personality. 



The wallet is falling a part,The change zipper is broken, The plastic window that holds my I.D. is destroyed, and there is obvious wear and tear. My friends and family used to tell me “You need a new wallet” or “I am going to get you a new wallet”. NO! i don’t need one! So after some thinking, I decided to finally replace my old faithful wallet and make my own. 

My project? Nintendo controller wallet. This is not the first time I’ve made something out of a controller. Before I bought this wallet, I made a belt using a nintendo controller (apprx 12 years ago or more)

below is a more recent picture of me posing with my belt


So late at night, I grabbed my spare controller (no longer functioning) 



I took it apart, and gutted it to make room.



I covered the inside and also made slots for my bills and cards. I also made a custom velcro strap (velcro+elastic band from the fabric store) for ease of open/closing my wallet.




I also attached hinges on the bottom so that it can open smooth and easily.

…and voilà!




Weekend with great friends and Steve Aoki

This has been another weekend for the books. Last weekend I performed at a benefit fundraiser hosted by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-blake. Even had a pretty epic dance cypher with her. This weekend definitely provided some great memories. My good friend Bounme had invited me to see The Steve Aoki concert at Merriwether post pavilion. We were able to get a meet and greet with him. When I saw Steve, I approached him like a friend. We had a nice conversation to which my bboying was brought up. He was very interested in what I do, and he had asked me and Bounme to sit back and wait for him so that way we could talk about dancing on stage. We had VIP passes and also All access to get back stage! Truly an amazing experience!







Snake eyes photoshoot

here it is! finally my snake eyes photo shoot!

I have always had an active imagination. I would role play and pretend to by my favorite heroes. One day I would pretend I was Indiana Jones, using my belt as a whip, and as Robo cop, by covering myself with cardboard. Growing up, That imagination never went away. Sure I have to put on my big boy pants every now and then, but That doesn’t mean I can’t dream. I decided to re visit my child hood. I present to you, my snake eyes.

(click the home tab to see the progress pics/making of my suit)


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Atomic Goofball

Create Your Badge

My G.I. Joe Snake Eyes Custom Suit.


Hey everyone! As you all may know, I am a huge fan of transformers, and of course G.I. JOE. My all time favorite Joe, is none other than SNAKE EYES! As a b-boy, I was able to work on movies such as Step up 2, and Step up 3D. That is where I met an incredible and inspiring person…Jon M Chu. This guy, is young, successful, and all around cool as shit. He landed the role as Director for G.I. Joe retaliation, and I almost LOST IT! Skipping forward, the Snake Eyes in retaliation was SICK!!! I decided that for once, I am going to take my time, and make a suit that I can be proud of and to keep forever (unlike my halfassed costumes in the past).

So I decided to start with the helmet. I drew out some sketches on how I wanted it to look. I was going to go for 100% movie accuracy, but I was limited on supplies and tools. I decided to use Retaliation as a point of reference and create something custom and from my own imagination.


I bought a kid’s snake eyes mask from target to use as a base, and some kid’s baseball helmets to cut them a part. Measured it out and taped the modded helmets together.


After I measured it out, I used cardboard to make the space i needed. Fiberglass and resin to harden the cardboard, and bonded the helmet pieces together.



Now to create the custom chin Gaurds. I sketched them out in cardboard cut them, and bonded them using the same process.



Took a break from the helmet, and decided to work on some weapons!

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Back to the helmet! I Drilled some breather holes in the front mouth plate, and added a strip/molding around the helmet for match the visor.


started to also bondo the chin
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Every night after work, I would come home and SAND SAND SAND!
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MORE SANDING! and I also Tinted the Visor. Later on I added carbon FIber


First coat of PAINT!

Getting BETTER!

and then the FINAL accents! Carbon FIber!!


Well…due to personal reasons. I decided to stop working on my suit. I just stopped caring. Days turned into weeks, and so forth. After talking to friends, I was convinced I should not give up and continue working. So I did. I drew out some sketches for my Armor.


I bought foam, cut up some old duffle bags, and backpacks to make my armor.


I drew the armor on pieces of paper and cut the shapes out of foam. I used tape to mount the onto my under suit as test fitment.


did the same with the shoulder Armor (I ended up cutting them smaller)


I went to the mall with my sis, went shopping, and I went to Oakley. I got these sweet gloves! pricey, but sooo worth it!


here is a little prototype drawing of what I HOPE the armor would look like

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Wrapped the chest with Carbon Fiber, and modded my sword. ARASHIKAGE CLAN!

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I decided to add more stability to the chest armor, I added some custom straps to allow better security.

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modded my sword


Time to TEST FIT!



I created a mount for my sword and a neck protector

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Arashikage symbol added

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here is a pic that my brother/crew mate domkey took of me in the suit!

Some of the latest pics…STILL NOT DONE YET! i have some more modifications needed … stay tuned!


full photoshoot can be seen here:

don’t forget to follow me on instagram!


Atomic Goofball

Create Your Badge